Kit de construction Cobi318 produits

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318 produits filtrés

Cobi Forces armées Panavia Tornado IDS, 1:48, 493 k, 2 f

Using 493 high-quality COBI building blocks, you can build the German version of the multi-role fighter Panavia Tornado IDS. This type of attack aircraft was used by the Luftwaffe as early as 1979. A total of 247 aircraft were delivered. Over many years of service, they have proven to be reliable and have become a permanent part of the history of the German Air Force. In addition to standard service, they also participated in NATO operations. The active part of the Tornado fleet is planned to be replaced by American F-35 Lightning II. The set was carefully designed on a 1:48 scale and complements the rich collection of armed forces fighters. The set contains only high-quality prints, you won't find any stickers here! The clear color and Luftwaffe markings distinguish the German version of the aircraft from other versions available in the COBI catalog. Like the original, the model has a mechanism that allows you to change the position of the wings (variable wing geometry). It also has an opening cockpit with space for two full-size figures, which are part of the set. The aircraft has movable flaps and landing gear, which can be easily detached at any time and displayed on a brick stand, which is part of the set. A nameplate is also included. Thanks to the intuitive instructions, construction is easy and will not pose problems even for less advanced builders. The set will meet the expectations of aviation, military, and block enthusiasts. The legend of the sky that the Tornado undoubtedly is will look great in your collection of armed forces, no matter how old you are! The Panavia Tornado is a multi-role combat aircraft with variable wing geometry that the German Luftwaffe has been using since 1979. The Panavia Tornado is a twin-engine jet combat aircraft created by the Panavia Aircraft GmbH consortium, which included Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. In Germany, the Tornado IDS attack variant entered service. Tornados were used as ground support aircraft, fighters, and for attacks on air targets. They were capable of carrying various weapons, including guided bombs and missiles. Tornado aircraft have participated in various conflicts and operations, including the Allied Force operation over Kosovo. 493 high-quality components Made in the EU by a company with over 20 years of tradition Blocks meet product safety standards for children Fully compatible with other brands of building blocks Printed blocks do not scratch or fade during play or due to temperature influence Clear and intuitive instructions based on illustrations and detailed guidelines 100% prints, no stickers Block display stand Set nameplate Two pilot figures

Cobi Fiat Abarth 595, 1:35, 70 k

Ikona FIAT 500, začínajúc rokom 1957, viedla Taliansko celé dve desaťročia výroby. V roku 1965 spoločnosť Abarth, špecializujúca sa na zlepšovanie a dodávanie športových vlastností vozidlám FIAT, upravila populárnu 500 a vydala verziu Abarth 595. V dôsledku úpravy sa výrazne zlepšil výkon a vzhľad auta. Model vo zmenšenej mierke 1:35, zložený z 100% kociek COBI, verný odráža charakteristický tvar legendárneho automobilu Fiat Abarth 595. V tomto modeli sme nepoužili žiadne nálepky. Boli nahradené odolnými potlačami, ktoré sa neopotrebujú ani pri intenzívnom hraní. Otočné kolesá vybavené pneumatikami sú ideálne pre pohyb modelu počas hry. Po zostavení má model dĺžku 9 cm a sada obsahuje aj štítok s názvom auta. Auto vyrobené z kociek COBI je nielen fantastická hračka, ale aj zberateľský kúsok, ktorý zaujme nadšencov automobilového priemyslu a stavebníctva všetkých vekových kategórií! Doplňte rozsiahlu zbierku licencovaných áut COBI vydaných v mierke 1:35 o ďalší príklad dôležitý pre históriu automobilového priemyslu. Budujte históriu, kúsok po kúsku, s COBI! 70 vysokokvalitných prvkov Vyrobené v EÚ spoločnosťou s viac ako 20 ročnou tradíciou Kocky spĺňajú bezpečnostné normy výrobkov pre deti Plne kompatibilný s inými značkami stavebných blokov Bloky s potlačou sa nepoškriabu ani nerozmazávajú a nevyblednú počas hry ani vplyvom teploty Jasné a intuitívne pokyny na základe ilustrácií a podrobných pokynov Blok s vytlačeným modelom a názvom auta Rozmery modelu (D x Š x V): 9 cm (3,5”) x 4 cm (1,6”) x 4 cm (1,6”)

Cobi II WW DUKW Amphibia D-DAY, 1:35, 508 k, 1 f

Postez un modèle DUKW, également connu sous le nom de "Duck", était un véhicule amphibie principalement utilisé par l'armée américaine pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sa production a commencé en 1942. Il était basé sur la conception d'un camion GMC avec un système de propulsion supplémentaire permettant de se déplacer à la fois sur terre et dans l'eau. Il avait une partie avant plate caractéristique qui facilitait la navigation. Le DUKW était largement utilisé lors des débarquements maritimes, des opérations terrestres et du transport dans les zones inondées. Sa capacité à se déplacer sur l'eau et sur terre en faisait un véhicule très polyvalent dans des conditions de combat. Le véhicule était propulsé par un moteur essence très puissant, lui permettant d'atteindre une vitesse maximale d'environ 80 km/h sur terre et de 10 km/h dans l'eau. Il pouvait accueillir jusqu'à 25 personnes ou 2,25 tonnes de cargaison. Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le DUKW a continué d'être utilisé par les unités américaines dans des conflits tels que la guerre de Corée et la guerre du Vietnam. Il a également été exporté dans d'autres pays et utilisé à des fins civiles telles que le tourisme maritime et les opérations de sauvetage. Le DUKW est considéré comme une icône de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Certains exemplaires sont conservés en tant qu'expositions muséales et le véhicule est largement utilisé aujourd'hui lors de reconstitutions historiques et de pique-niques militaires. Emballage de 508 pièces et 1 figurine.

Cobi Forces armées Panavia Tornado GR.1 MIG EATER, 1:48, 527 k, 2 f

Using 527 high-quality COBI building blocks, you can build the famous British multi-role fighter Panavia Tornado with all its extraordinary history! The christened name "MIG EATER" (Polish Migoeater Eater) refers to the famous story of the destruction of an Iraqi aircraft in the early stages of the First Gulf War in 1990. The set also includes two unique figures of British pilots captured by Iraqis during the same conflict. After their release, the pilots took a photo with the "Mig Eater" aircraft. Our set combines these two very different and extraordinary military stories. The set has been carefully designed on a 1:48 scale and complements a very rich collection of armed forces fighters. The set contains only high-quality prints, no stickers here! The aircraft drawing and distinctive markings refer to the Gulf War (1990-1991). Like the original, the model has a mechanism that allows you to change the position of the wings (variable wing geometry). It also has an opening cockpit with space for two full-size figures, movable flaps and wheels. The landing gear can be easily detached at any time to better display the aircraft on the brick stand, which is part of the set. A nameplate is also included. Thanks to the intuitive instructions, the construction is simple and will not pose a problem even for less advanced builders. The set will certainly meet the expectations of aviation, military, and block enthusiasts. The legend of the sky that the Tornado undoubtedly is will look great in your armed forces collection, regardless of your age! Panavia Tornados were multi-role combat aircraft with variable wings used by the Royal Air Force (RAF) from the 1980s to 2019 when they were retired. The Panavia Tornado was a twin-engine jet combat aircraft created by the Panavia Aircraft GmbH consortium, which included Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom. In RAF service, there were three main variants of the Tornado aircraft: GR.1, GR.4, and GR.4A. The GR.1 model was the first version introduced into service in the 1980s. Tornados were used as ground support aircraft, fighters, and for air-to-air attacks. They were capable of carrying various weapons, including guided bombs and missiles. RAF Tornado aircraft participated in various conflicts and operations, including the Gulf War, Operation Allied Force over Kosovo, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the fight against ISIS over Iraq and Syria. The last Tornado aircraft were withdrawn from RAF service in 2019. They were replaced by more modern aircraft such as the Typhoon and F-35 Lightning II, which are also part of the COBI collection! 527 high-quality elements Made in the EU by a company with over 20 years of tradition Blocks meet product safety standards for children Fully compatible with other building block brands Printed blocks will not scratch, fade, or wear off during play or due to temperature influences Clear and intuitive instructions based on illustrations and detailed guidelines 100% prints, no stickers Block stand for display Set nameplate Two pilot figures Model dimensions (L x W x H): 36 cm (14.1") x 28 cm (11") x 13 cm (5.1")

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